Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

10 Ugliest Celebrities ( 10 Selebriti Terjelek )

By nature or personal choice, they are rich and famous and yet... ugly as hell! 

Michael Jackson

Did you really expect anyone else? Michael Jackson used to be a successful black singer, but took it upon himself to destroy his face and reputation. He now looks like an albino alien whose nose appears to change on a daily basis. Just goes to show you what can happen if you are too critical of your looks... you can end up an albino alien like Mike.

( Apakah Anda benar-benar mengharapkan orang lain? Michael Jackson yang digunakan untuk menjadi seorang penyanyi kulit hitam yang sukses, tapi membawanya pada dirinya untuk menghancurkan wajahnya dan reputasi. Dia sekarang tampak seperti alien albino yang hidungnya muncul untuk mengubah setiap hari. Hanya pergi untuk menunjukkan apa yang bisa terjadi jika Anda terlalu kritis terhadap penampilan Anda ... Anda dapat berakhir alien albino seperti Mike.)


Marilyn Manson

Seriously ... what the hell happened to this kid? From the ghostly white makeup you can see on his black collar to the funky blue eye and blood red lips ... Marilyn Manson is a freak and there's nothing more to say, he's ugly by choice. And not only is he ugly, but he scares the crap out of us.

( Serius ... apa yang terjadi dengan anak ini? Dari make up putih hantu dapat anda lihat di kerah hitam sampai mata biru funky dan bibir merah darah ... Marilyn Manson tampak aneh dan tidak ada lagi yang bisa dikatakan, dia jelek karena pilihan. Dan tidak hanya dia jelek, tapi dia takut omong kosong dari kami.)

Jocelyn Wildenstein

Holy crap! This is what happens when you get obsessed with plastic surgery. A wealthy socialite from Switzerland, Jocelyn is actually a celeb for being so ugly. Her extreme appearance has led to the press giving her the nickname "The Bride of Wildenstein," a reference to The Bride of Frankenstein. Wildenstein has allegedly spent almost US$4,000,000 on cosmetic surgery over the years, all payed by her husband, the billionaire international art dealer Alec Wildenstein. 

( Holy crap! Inilah yang terjadi ketika Anda terobsesi dengan operasi plastik. Seorang sosialita kaya dari Swiss, Jocelyn sebenarnya adalah celeb yang menjadi begitu jelek. Penampilan ekstrim nya telah menyebabkan pers memberinya julukan "Pengantin Wildenstein," sebuah referensi Pengantin Frankenstein. Wildenstein telah diduga menghabiskan hampir US $ 4.000.000 pada bedah kosmetik selama bertahun-tahun, semua diperhatikan oleh suaminya, seni miliarder dealer internasional Alec Wildenstein. )

Michael Berryman

No, it is not make-up. This actor born in LA, suffers from Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (a rare condition leaving him with no sweat glands, hair, fingernails or teeth). He played Pluto in Wes Craven's 1977 horror film The Hills Have Eyes. He has also appeared in numerous science fiction and fantasy movies such as My Science Project (1985), Weird Science (1985), Armed Response (1986) and Evil Spirits (1990). He also appeared in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and The Devil's Rejects. Berryman generally portrays mutant bikers, evil undertakers, monsters and other frightening characters. He has also starred in episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and The X-Files. 

( Tidak, tidak make-up. Aktor ini lahir di LA, menderita Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Displasia (kondisi langka dimana dia lahit tanpa kelenjar keringat, rambut, kuku atau gigi). Ia bermain Pluto pada tahun 1977 film horor Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes. Dia juga muncul dalam fiksi ilmiah banyak dan film fantasi seperti My Science Project (1985), weird science (1985), Armed Response (1986) dan Evil Spirits (1990). Dia juga muncul dalam One Flew Selama Cuckoo's Nest, dan The Devil's Rejects. Berryman umumnya menggambarkan bikers mutan, jenazah jahat, monster dan karakter menakutkan lainnya. Ia juga membintangi episode Star Trek: The Next Generation dan The X-Files.)

DJ Qualls

Ok, we are going to be really mean again, since he's actually ugly for a another terrible reason. We're actually happy to see he has turned it into a good thing, just like Berryman. Qualls also suffered from a rare condition: Hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of cancer, at age 14. After two years of surgery (including the removal of his spleen), chemotherapy, and radiation treatments, Qualls's cancer went into remission, which lent him his famous thin stature. In 1997, he enrolled at Nashville's Belmont University. At a performance in a local theatre he was discovered by David LaChapelle and became... a model!! Yes, a model, for Prada and Calvin Klein. He then got famous for his role on the movie "Road Trip".

(Ok, kita akan menjadi sangat berarti lagi, karena ia sebenarnya jelek untuk alasan lain yang mengerikan.Kami benar-benar senang melihat dia telah berubah menjadi lebih baik, seperti Berryman. Quallsjugamenderita dari kondisi yang jarang: limfoma Hodgkin, suatu bentuk kanker, pada usia 14. Setelah duatahunoperasi (termasuk pencabutan limpa nya), kemoterapi, dan perawatan radiasi, kanker Qualls's masuk kepengampunan, yang meminjamkan perawakannya yang terkenal tipis. Pada tahun 1997, ia terdaftardiNashville's Belmont University. Pada sebuah pertunjukan di teater lokal ia ditemukan oleh DavidLaChapelledan menjadi ... model! Ya, model, untuk Prada dan Calvin Klein. Dia kemudian menjadi terkenaluntuk perannya pada "Road Trip" film. )

Marty Feldman

And yet another terrible case. Marty Feldman (1934 – 1982) was an English writer, comedian and BAFTA award winning actor, notable for his bulging eyes, which were the result of a thyroid condition known as Graves Disease. He wrote situation comedies such as The Army Game, Bootsie and Snudge for the BBC and later had a series of his own on the BBC called Marty. He also appeared in The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother and Mel Brooks' Silent Movie, as well as directing and starring in The Last Remake of Beau Geste. He guest-starred in the "Arabian Nights" episode of The Muppet Show.

( Namun kasus lain yang mengerikan. Marty Feldman (1934 - 1982) adalah seorang penulis pelawak, Inggris dan aktor pemenang penghargaan BAFTA, terkenal karena matanya melotot, yang merupakan hasil dari kondisi tiroid yang dikenal sebagai penyakit Graves. Dia menulis komedi situasi seperti The Game Angkatan Darat, Bootsie dan Snudge untuk BBC dan kemudian memiliki serangkaian sendiri di BBC disebut Marty. Dia juga muncul dalam Petualangan Sherlock Holmes 'Smarter Brother dan Mel Brooks' Silent Movie, serta memimpin dan membintangi dalam The Remake Terakhir Beau geste. Dia bintang tamu dalam episode "Arabian Nights" The Muppet Show.)

Clint Howard

No weird disease this time -- he's just plain ugly. But then, again, it is probably what made him famous. Born in 1959, the actor appeared in Cocoon, Steve Martin's Parenthood, EdTV, Apollo 13, Austin Powers, That Thing You Do among others. In 1998, Howard was awarded the MTV Lifetime Achievement Award. He got married twice, just to show you that looks don't matter.  
 (Tidak ada penyakit aneh kali ini - dia hanya  jelek. Tapi kemudian, sekali lagi, itu mungkin apa yang membuatnya terkenal. Lahir tahun 1959, aktor muncul di Cocoon, Steve Martin Parenthood, EDTV, Apollo 13, Austin Powers, That Thing You do Among Others. Pada tahun 1998, Howard dianugerahi MTV Lifetime Achievement Award. Ia menikah dua kali, hanya untuk menunjukkan Anda yang terlihat tidak penting.)

Shane MacGowan

This Irish musician is best known as the original singer and songwriter with The Pogues, and is considered one of the most important and poetic Irish songwriters of the last thirty years. A great find for our list... he's terribly horrible. 

( Ini musisi Irlandia yang paling dikenal sebagai penyanyi asli dan penulis lagu dengan The Pogues, dandianggap sebagai salah satu penulis lagu Irlandia yang paling penting dan puitis dari tiga puluh tahun terakhir.Sebuah besar mencari untuk daftar kami ... dia sangat mengerikan . )

Lyle Lovett

Lyle Lovett has to have some good blackmail on someone. Otherwise, how in the hell did he ever get into acting? And the fact that Julia Roberts married this beast makes us think she's not only nuts, but ugly too. Tell us one thing that you find attractive about this man ... go on. Then we'll laugh at you. 

( Lyle Lovett harus memiliki beberapa pemerasan yg baik pada seseorang. Kalau tidak, bagaimana di neraka itu ia pernah masuk ke akting? Dan fakta bahwa Julia Roberts menikah binatang ini membuat kita berpikir dia tidak gila saja, tetapi jelek juga. Beritahu kami satu hal yang Anda temukan menarik tentang orang ini ... terus. Kemudian kita akan menertawakan Anda. )


Holy hell ... Kelis is not bringin' any boys to the yard looking like that. There have been rumors that she is really a man, and quite frankly we are thinking something's not right with this chick. Every time we see her she has her mouth open and looks like she's ready to eat us. She's scary. Next time we see her, we are looking for the Adam's apple. 

( Kudus neraka ... Kelis tidak Bringin 'setiap anak laki-laki ke halaman tampak seperti itu. Ada rumor bahwa dia benar-benar seorang pria, dan sesuatu yang sangat terus terang kita berpikir tidak benar dengan cewek ini. Setiap kali kita melihat dia memiliki mulut terbuka dan tampaknya dia siap memakan kita. Dia menakutkan. Lain kali kita melihat dia, kita sedang mencari apel Adam. )

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